Are Custom Kitchen Cabinets Worth It?

Are Custom Kitchen Cabinets Worth It

Spoiler: Yes!

When you start planning for kitchen renovations, one of the first things you might ask yourself (or someone else) is: are custom kitchen cabinets from Colray Cabinets Perth worth it? In short, yes. However, if you need more convincing, we’ve covered some of their benefits below.

Only the Highest Quality Materials

One thing of significant concern to homeowners and landlords is whether or not the materials used in a kitchen renovation can withstand daily wear and tear. When you buy entry-level kitchens, that’s not always the case.

Over time, hardware can break, screws can come out, benchtops can scratch and wear, and shelving can break down. That’s unlikely to be the case as quickly when you hire a custom kitchen cabinet maker to create a new kitchen for you.

They use only the best quality materials, which can mean that they continue to withstand wear and tear for years to come, even with daily use. This can make any homeowner with young children breathe a sigh of relief. It can also give landlords much-needed confidence when investing in a new kitchen for their rental property.

They Are Made to Fit the Space

What you often find with kitset and flat-pack kitchens is that they are made for all homes and no homes. They are designed to be universal for any space, but they don’t exactly fit your space perfectly.

That’s not a concern for many people on a budget who simply want a kitchen that fits near enough. Though, suppose you are looking for a high-quality kitchen that tucks in neatly with your appliances and walls. In that case, a custom kitchen can be a far better option.

When you enlist the services of a custom cabinet maker, they can come to your home, measure the space, and find out what they need to make to fit your home. They can even offer advice on the best kitchen shapes out of the most common options of U-shape, L-shape, single galley, double galley, island, and corridor.

You Have More Say Over the Design

Your home is your private retreat, so it should feel as though it is. When you purchase pre-made kitchen cabinetry, you can’t feel the ‘love’ in the kitchen like you should. A custom kitchen is a little bit different.

You have a say over the colours, the finish, and even some of the materials being used. When the time comes to install it in your home, it can really feel like it’s the labour of your love rather than that of someone else.

They Save You Time

We’re a nation of DIYers, and that suits many tasks quite nicely. You don’t have to pay someone to paint your fence or fix your mailbox – you can simply do it yourself. But what you would have likely discovered from doing things yourself is that it takes time.

If you hire someone to manage your kitchen renovation, you can use that time for something else. You also don’t have to juggle work, life, and errands, in between trying to make your kitchen space usable. Someone else will take care of all the hard work for you.

There’s no denying that flat-pack kitchens have their place. They are affordable, reasonably easy to put together and come in some wonderful styles. But there’s a reason why kitchen cabinet makers are in hot demand: they have some outstanding workmanship. Get the kitchen of your dreams by calling upon your local cabinet maker for assistance.